The service of records and circulation of mobile cultural assets is a representative national structure, influential and responsible for the implementation of state policy in the entrusted fields, capable of solving priority tasks and contributing to the protection, records, circulation and valorization of mobile national cultural heritage, to facilitation. the legal circuit of cultural goods, as well as countering their illicit circulation.
SECBCM offers services of:
Consultancy in matters of recording, classification and circulation of movable cultural assets
Issuance of certificates for movable cultural assets classified as movable national cultural heritage
Expertise of mobile cultural assets
Issuance of export certificates and certificates
Issuing the export certificate for cultural goods in public ownership
Issuance of import notifications for movable cultural property, including collector cars
The Service for Record and Circulation of Movable Cultural Assets (SEBCM) was created on July 5, 2023, pursuant to Art. II of Law 285/2022 amending Law no. 280/2011 on the protection of movable national cultural heritage, in accordance with the Government Decision Republic of Moldova no. 470 "For the implementation of the provisions of Law no. 280/2011 on the protection of movable national cultural heritage". SECBCM is a legal entity under public law, with headquarters in the municipality of Chisinau, str. 31 August 1989 no. 115, has a stamp with the State Coat of Arms of the Republic of Moldova, holds accounts in the single treasury account of the Ministry of Finance. The service operates on the basis of the Regulation on organization and operation, approved by the Government Decision enunciated.
SECBCM is an administrative authority subordinate to the Ministry of Culture - representative national structure, influential and responsible for the implementation of state policy in the fields of recording and circulation of mobile cultural assets, capable of solving priority tasks and contributing to the protection, recording, circulation and valorization of the national cultural heritage mobile. , to facilitate the legal circuit of movable cultural goods, as well as to counteract their illicit circulation.
The SECBCM has the mission of coordination and organization oriented towards the implementation of state policies in the entrusted fields: cultural record of the movable national cultural heritage and the movement of movable goods.
In its activity, SECBCM is guided by the following values:
• Training and innovation: continuous improvement of knowledge in entrusted fields; developing programs and organizing training sessions for specialists in tangential fields and students from specialized higher education institutions;
• Communication and transparency: SECBCM grants access to managed registers, provides assistance to local administrators of specialized registers, guarantees access to the institution's narrative and financial reports, presenting information on its electronic page;
• Integrity, honesty and fairness: The SECBCM team demonstrates integrity in its actions and adheres to professional ethical standards.
The development context
The SECBCM was created in accordance with Art. 5 (1) of the 1970 UNESCO Convention on Measures for the Prohibition and Prevention of Illicit Cultural Operations of Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Goods. It provides: "In order to ensure the protection of cultural assets against illegal operations of import, export and transfer of ownership of cultural assets, states parties to this convention undertake to, under specific state-specific conditions, establish on their territory, to the extent that . there is not already one or more services for the protection of cultural heritage, equipped with qualified personnel and in sufficient numbers to ensure, effectively, the following functions:
a) to contribute to the elaboration of draft laws and regulations in order to protect the cultural heritage, in particular, the suppression of illicit operations of import, export and transfer of ownership of important cultural assets;
b) to establish and keep up to date, based on a national protection inventory, a list of important, public and private cultural assets, the export of which would constitute or significant impoverishment of the national cultural heritage;
c) to establish, for the interested persons (museographers, collectors, antiquarians, etc.), rules consistent with the ethical principles formulated in this convention and to ensure compliance with these rules;
d) to carry out an educational activity, with the aim of awakening and developing the respect due to the cultural heritage of all states and to ensure the dissemination of the present provisions as widely as possible;
e) to ensure that adequate publicity is made in any case of the disappearance of a cultural asset."
It is important to note that Art. 6 provides: "States parties to this convention undertake to establish a special certificate, through which the exporting state specifies that the export of the cultural good or goods in question is authorized by it, this certificate to accompany the good or legally exported cultural goods; to prohibit the exit from their territory of cultural goods that are not accompanied by the said export certificate; to adequately bring this prohibition to the attention of the public and, above all, to persons who might export or import cultural goods."