Biserica ,,SF NICOLAE” din Putinești
Descarcă poza
Protoiereu Lisnic Ioan/ The Church of "St. Nicholas" in Putinesti at the anniversary stop: 200 years since the consecration of the foundation stone and the beginning of construction works (1824-2024)/Iași 2024. Stef Publishing House. This work was published at the anniversary stop. 200 years since the consecration of the foundation stone and the beginning of construction works of the Church of "St. Nicholas" in the village of Putinesti, Floresti (1824-2024). The work includes pages from the history of the church, from the activity of some founders, servants and prominent personalities related to the spiritual life of the parish. The book was transmitted from the author. The copy we own is complete, has cardboard covers, a title page, which includes the Introduction and Contents and Bibliography. Book binding: sewing.
Deținător MIEF - Muzeul de Istorie şi Etnografie Floreşti
Datare 2024
Autor/Meșter Protoiereu Lisnic Ioan;Editura „Stef”
Loc descoperire Editura „Stef”; România or. Iași
Numărul de registru PMC- 9371
Proveniență Republica Moldova; s. Putinești
Tehnică Tipărire,imprimare.
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Lungimea (Cm) 20,5
Lățime (Cm) 14,5