National Museum of History of Moldova
        The National Museum of History of Moldova is a public cultural institution, which aims to collect, preserve, research and valorize the cultural-historical heritage of the country, in the context of general human values. It is the main historical profile museum in the Republic of Moldova and the most important methodical center in the field of museology and museography, able to provide specialized assistance to all museum institutions in the country.
        At the moment, the National Museum od History of Moldova has five branches: Lazo Family Mansion (Piatra village, Orhei), Alexei Sciusev Memorial House, the Memorial Museum of the Second Ukrainian Front (Malinovskoe village, Riscani), the Museum of Victims of Deportations and Political Repressions and the Historical Site "Camp of the Swedish King Charles XII" (Varnita village, Anenii Noi).
        The permanent exhibition of the museum, "History and Civilization", includes 6 exhibition halls, with an area of 1400 sq.m. The historical discourse, supported by the exhibition, takes place from the Paleolithic to the proclamation of the independence of the Republic of Moldova.
        The museum also offers the public temporary exhibitions, varied in theme and interesting in content, which complete the historical picture of the Republic of Moldova and make a significant contribution to the cultural propaganda of the stored heritage.
        The educational function of the museum is carried out through a wide museum pedagogy activity, which aims to familiarize the public, especially the young generation, with the values of the national culture, with the importance of preserving and exploiting them over time.
        A permanent and essential component of the museum's activity is scientific research, the results of which are valued in the framework of the annual conference of scientific communications, symposia and thematic scientific conferences.
        Since 1992, the museum publishes the magazine Tyragetia, which, starting from 2006, appears in a new series, in two volumes annually (vol. 1 - Archeology. Ancient History and vol. 2 - History. Museology); as well as monographic works, collection catalogues, exhibition guides and leaflets, postcards, calendars and bookmarks with heritage pieces.



Museum of Victims of Deportations and Political Repressions
        Chișinău city
        str. 31 August 1989, 121 A, MD-2012
        Phone: +373 69833688
        Opening hours: Zilnic
                10.00-18.00 (April - October)
                10.00-17.00 (November- March)
                Friday: closed
                Access to the museum is closed 20 minutes before the end of the program.
Alexei Sciusev Memorial House
       City Chișinău
       str. A. Șciusev 77
       Phone: +373 22 220308
       Opening hours:
              Sunday - Thursday: 09.00-16.00
              Friday and Saturday: closed
              Access to the museum is closed 20 minutes before the end of the program.
Lazo Family Mansion
       s. Piatra, r-nul Orhei
       Phone: +373 68669593
       Opening hours:
              Monday - Sunday:10.00-17.00
              Friday: închis
              Access to the museum is closed 20 minutes before the end of the program.
Memorial Museum of the General Staff of the Second Ukrainian Front
       village Malinovscoe, district Râșcani
       Phone: +373 79751766
       Opening hours: Monday - Sunday:
              10.00-18.00 (Apil - October)
              10.00-17.00 (November - March)
              Friday: closed
              Access to the museum is closed 20 minutes before the end of the program.
Historical Site "Camp of the Swedish King Charles XII"
       Varnita commune, Anenii Noi district
       Phone: +373 69204593
Name National Museum of History of Moldova
Year of establishment 1983
No. of objects 344782
No. of Thesaurus objects 110
No. of Fund objects 60
No. of Common objects 2621
Founder Ministry of Culture
Establishment decision Order of the Ministry of Culture no. 561 "Regarding the re-profiling of museums" (on the basis of the joint decision of the CC of the CPM and the Council of Ministers of the RSSM, dated November 29, 1983 "Regarding the use of the historical monument - the building of the former Boys' Gymnasium in Chisinau, where S. Lazo studied".
Accreditation order no. 45/2022 "On the accreditation of museums".