Căinari, Căușeni
"Alexei Mateevici" Museum-House
        "Alexei Mateevici" Museum-House from Cainari was inaugurated on March 16, 1968, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of the priest-poet Alexei Mateevici. It housed the Mateevici family between 1884-1893, and the poet lived in Cainari between 1888-1893 (from birth to the age of 5).
        The founder of the museum was Petru Rambu, Romanian language teacher at the secondary school in Cainari, supported and guided by the renowned museographer Gheorghe Cincilei.
        The first jubilee exhibition was opened in only 2 rooms of the house, where the poet Alexei Mateevici was born, on March 16, 1888. In the years 1989-1991, it was rebuilt from the ground up and reopened to visitors on August 31, 1991, on the occasion of the national holiday "Our language, Romanian".
        The museum has five exhibition halls, where museum pieces, reflecting the life and activity of Alexei Mateevici, are exhibited. In the first four, the visitor can learn about the life and literary activity of the poet, through images, xerocopies, various documents, but also through the numerous editions, periodicals from the end of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century.
        The exhibition is completed by ethnographic exhibits, furniture, crockery, cult objects, numismatics - all of the period. Objects of art, inspired by the poet's life and work, are also exhibited: "Speech of the old castles", by Andrei Mudrea; "Late Dinner", by Tudor Zbarnea; "Mateevici reading", "Our language", by Petru Jereghi; "Mateevici - the priest", by Mihai Grecu and Dumitru Peicev et al.
The last room, the 5th, entitled "Mateevici in contemporaneity", contains almost all the poet's editions, starting with the first, from 1926. The room is dominated by the imposing bust of the singer of the Romanian language, made by the sculptor Ion Zderciuc.
        On March 15, 1992, a crucifix dedicated to Alexei Mateevici was inaugurated, author - Alexandru Perta-Cuza, a folk craftsman from the Targu Lapus, Maramures district.
        On June 20, 1991, in front of the Museum-House, the monument to Alexei Mateevici was installed, made by the sculptor Alexandru Deocu-Ialamita, a professor at the Academy of Arts in Bucharest.
        The museum carries out a vast exhibition and promotion activity of A. Mateevici's work, organizes cultural activities on the occasion of various events, related to the poet's life and work: poetry recitals, "Readings from Mateevici", "Father Alexeiʼs speech waving", literary and musical performances, "My mother's holy language", etc.
Name "Alexei Mateevici" Museum-House
Year of establishment 1968
No. of objects 1103
Founder Causeni District Council; Causeni Education, Culture, Youth, Sports and Tourism Directorate.
Registration order no. 179/2004.